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Ahlborg, G., Bodin, L. & Hagstedt, C. (1990) Heavy lifting during pregnancy: a hazard to the fetus A prospective study. International Journal of Epidemiology 19, 90 97. American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (2002) Committee Opinion 267. Exercise during Pregnancy and the Postpartum Period 99, No 1. American College of Sports Medicine (1997) Position stand on the female athlete triad. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise 29, i ix. American College of Sports Medicine (2000) Guidelines for Exercise Testing and Prescription, 6th edn. Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins, Philadelphia: 133 173. American Dietetic Association (2002) Position Statement: Nutrition and lifestyle for a healthy pregnancy outcome. Journal of the American Dietetic Association 102, 1479 1483. Artal, R. (1990) Exercise and diabetes mellitus: a brief review. Sports Medicine 9, 261 265. Artal, R. (1996) Exercise: an alternative therapy for gestational diabetes. Physician and Sports Medicine 24, 54 61. Artal, R. (1999) Exercise during pregnancy: safe and bene cial for most. Physician and Sports Medicine 27, 51 60. Artal, R. (2003) Make exercise recommendations a priority. Obstetrics Gynecology News, 48 49. Artal, R. & Buckenmeyer, P. (1995) Exercise during pregnancy and postpartum. Contemporary Obstetrics and Gynecology 40, 62 86. Artal, R., Catanzara, R., Gavard, J., Mostello, D. & Friganza, J. (2007) Weight gain in pregnancy: comparison of a nutrition and physical activity intervention program for gestational diabetes. Applied Physiology Nutrition Metabolism 32, 596 601. Artal, R., Fortunator, V. & Welton, A. (1995) A comparison of cardiopulmonary adaptations to

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One important question to consider then, depending on the analysis of the agency/ practice based on the preceding discussion, is whether leadership wants to establish and use true evidence-based practices or if someone will design best practice protocols for the treatment staff to use. What is the difference between an evidence-based practice protocol and a best practice protocol Evidence-based practices are practices that are based on the results of research. The preceding chapters have concentrated on six specific sets of evidencebased treatment protocols. All of these treatment designs have gone through numerous research implementations, and some of them, replication efforts. Their effectiveness has, thus, been well established. The ability of an agency/practice to replicate these practice protocols may have also been established. There exist in the research literature and journals many similar types of evidencebased practices or protocols. Following chapters discuss how to find and evaluate these other practices. There is one important consideration in the use of evidence-based protocols. To produce the results achieved in the various research settings (i.e., in which the effectiveness was established), the protocols have to be followed very closely. Following the evidence-based practice protocol closely is, thus, a requirement if you want to be assured of having similar results. The question to ask is whether, or to what extent, the staff is ready to precisely follow treatment protocols treatment protocols that may be rigid and demanding. A best practice protocol, on the other hand, is a series of practice parameters that are based on the available research, or they may be consensus protocols. Currently, there are a number of evidence-supported, as they are called, treatment books available in the marketplace (see Hofmann & Tompson, 2002, for example). These books follow the trends in practice that the research seems to be indicating yield good results.

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